Thursday, May 21, 2009

We've been accepted....

We've officially been accepted into the Ethiopia Program as of this afternoon!!!!!

Our next step is to wait for the Program Coordinator to contact us to discuss what to expect from here. I will anxiously wait to hear from her. I'm not sure if it will be by email, phone or mail, but I am on the edge of my seat either way. I will share more details as I know them.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support.

If anyone is out there actually reading this blog, please leave a comment. I feel like I'm writing into space and no one is listening.


  1. ohh Girlfriend....You've got me reading!! But I bet you already knew that one! WE need to schedule a get together...I think I dropped the ball on that one..shoot.


    .......for you guys!

    This is such an exciting time! I really want to fast forward time and just see who your girly OKay I need to just slow down. We are happy for you.....

    If you guys are around this weekend you should swing by the garage sell...IT'S OUT OF CONTROL! It's Sat/Sun 8-3. :-)

    Okay well you made my Friday! I apparently don't get adoption I'll just be happy through yours :-)

  2. YAY!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Our family is so rad!
    Joining the world one continent at a time... Love it, love you.

  3. Congrats! I am in WACAP's Ethiopia program also and waiting to bring home my twin girls(!!), age 4. Do you belong to the Wacap Ethiopia yahoo group? If not, join!

  4. This is so thrilling. Sorry it has taken so long to me to realize the blog. I have NOT been on my email site for almost a week.
    Our family is becoming so International with each new member adding a 'spice and challenge' that is wonderful for us all.
    She will be well loved and nurtured with the help of the family and our love for the Lord.
    Each little child is a gift from above and I KNOW you will receive just the RIGHT GIFT for your family.

  5. We are so thrilled to await the arrival of this little one from Ethiopia! What a joy it will be to welcome her to the family! This blog is a great idea - thanks for doing it.

    Dad Anderson
