Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Anniversary & another task

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe it's been 8 years of marriage bliss already and 13 years together. It hasn't always been easy, but I'm so thankful for the blessing of my amazing husband. He was absolutely well-worth the wait!

In addition to cleaning up and cleaning out the house, we're also working on another fairly major project this week .... restaining the fence. This is the fourth summer we've been talking about getting this done, but finally it's getting done! It's looking pretty good. Nothing like getting all the projects done around the house in the same week.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Friends!!!! I wish I were as wonderful in the memory department as you about dates....I truly suck. Hopefully you both did something lovely together :-).

    Do you need help with the fence???? I'm a painting/sprayer/whateverer pro :-)

    Let me know!!
